The Birth Mystery of the Torchlight Mage Set Revealed in the Burning Continent (Glorious Magic Unleashed, Torchlight Mage Set Shines on the New Battlefield!)

In the game, players can collect various equipment and materials to create thei

In the game, players can collect various equipment and materials to create their own strongest lineup. These equipment and materials are obtained through dungeons and have different set attributes at different levels. As the level increases, more sets become available. Therefore, in order to obtain sets, one needs to continuously improve their combat power and strength.

Today, let’s talk about the Mage profession. In the game, the Mage profession is a very powerful existence. In the Torchlight Mobile game, the Mage is also a very powerful character. The Mage can not only summon elemental souls to assist in combat, but also provide buff effects to teammates. At the same time, it can also cause damage to opponents and inflict burn status.

The Mage’s skill damage is very high, and it also has control abilities. However, this character also has a weakness, which is being relatively fragile. Once focused by enemies, it can be killed instantly, so we need to find ways to protect our teammates in the game.

In this game, the Mage is the only AoE profession and has very strong single-target burst and sustained output abilities. However, its own survival ability is relatively poor, so it is relatively easy to be defeated in the game. In the late game, everyone can obtain a set of ultimate output set.

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Glorious Magic Unleashed, Torchlight Mage Set Shines on the New Battlefield!

The glorious magic unleashed by the Mage, the most exciting feature in Torchlight Mobile, is none other than the set. The Mage’s equipment set is a major feature of the Torchlight world. It not only allows players to obtain stronger attack power in battles, but also gives you super survival ability on the battlefield. Now let’s take a look at the sets that shine in the world of Torchlight and dazzle your eyes!

Mage Set:

[Set Attributes]

Health +1000

Armor -10%

Magic Resistance -10%

Critical Strike Rate +2%

Dodge Rate +2%

Attack +2%

Attack +1%

Attack +15

Attack +2

Health +2

Health +15

Dodge Rate +2%

[Set Effects]

Lightning Ball: Deals 200% attack damage to all surrounding enemies

Meteor Spell: Summons a meteor to bombard the target area, dealing 400% attack damage and causing temporary stun to all enemy units within range

Thunder Rune: Releases thunder rune energy to attack enemies in front

Frost Control: Deals 100% attack damage to enemies surrounding the Mage and adds frost mark

[Set Effects]

Shadow Soul: Releases flames of dark elements, enveloping oneself, dealing 1000% attack damage to all surrounding enemy units

Blessing of the Holy Spirit: Releases the hymn of the holy spirit, granting oneself a holy shield effect, increasing damage by 15% for 5 seconds

Entanglement of Death: Creates a realm of darkness near the enemy, causing 500% magic damage to enemies within range for 8 seconds

Frozen Stare: Increases damage inflicted on frozen enemies by 40%

[Set Effects]

Curse of Nightmare: Deals 320% magic damage to all surrounding enemies and has a 50% chance to freeze the target

Bound Imprisonment: Forms a forbidden cage around oneself, causing 600% attack damage to enemies in the cage and has a 50% chance to immobilize them

Eternal Abyss: Deals additional damage to enemies and allies within the duration of slowing down and immobilization

[Set Effects]

Seed of Fel Energy: Increases maximum health by 20% for a certain period of time

Chaos Limits: Increases magic attack by 20%

[Set Effects]

Endless Devastation: Releases endless devastation, dealing 300% attack damage to enemies and allies and has a 30% chance to immobilize them

Raging Impact: Fires multiple shots at all targets in front, dealing 400% magic damage to all enemies within range and adding burn marks

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