LEGO Batman 3 New Challenges! Explore Unknown Areas to Unlock Ultimate Weapons! (Exclusive Cheats Uncover Hidden Easter Eggs in LEGO Batman 3! Find the Hidden Superheroes!)

LEGO Batman 3 New Challenges! Explore Unknown Areas to Unlock Ultimate Weapons!

LEGO Batman 3 New Challenges! Explore Unknown Areas to Unlock Ultimate Weapons! (Exclusive Cheats Uncover Hidden Easter Eggs in LEGO Batman 3! Find the Hidden Superheroes!) LEGO Batman 3 New Challenges! Explore Unknown Areas to Unlock Ultimate Weapons! (Exclusive Cheats Uncover Hidden Easter Eggs)

LEGO Batman 3 is a classic action game with fantastic visuals and top-notch music. There is a challenge in the game that requires players to solve puzzles to complete, and many players are not sure how to solve this challenge. Let’s introduce it to everyone!

LEGO Batman 3 New Challenges! Explore Unknown Areas to Unlock Ultimate Weapons (Exclusive Cheats Uncover Hidden Easter Eggs)! Find the Hidden Superheroes!)

In the game, players will play as Robin Morales and his little friends to chase the secrets in the darkness and solve some interesting things. In the LEGO Batman game, there is a challenge task that requires players to unlock three key passwords while exploring unknown areas to complete.

In this challenge task, players need to use two keyboards to control the left and right hands separately, with the left hand controlling the order of movement. When the player presses the space bar, a hint for entering the password will be displayed at the bottom of the screen.

After the player completes the input, they can obtain a new item – the flying shoes.

When using the flying shoes, it is found that this item is actually a skateboard.

When you use the glider, you will find that this skateboard is a tool similar to an aircraft.

The function of this glider is to allow you to land from the air to the ground, and then you can slide on the ground!

LEGO Batman Season 3 is officially online! Please continue to follow for more exciting information!

Exclusive Cheats Uncover Hidden Easter Eggs in LEGO Batman 3! Find the Hidden Superheroes!

LEGO Batman 3, as a series adapted from classic movies, has always been loved by players. This time, LEGO Batman 3 also added many Easter egg contents.

Hidden mysterious characters: Jack and Robin Hood (Harry Potter)

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