Build the strongest lineup and enjoy the exciting battles of Teamfight Tactics S3! (Break the norm, use this lineup to become the champion of Teamfight Tactics S3!)

Build the strongest lineup and enjoy the exciting battles of Teamfight Tactics

Build the strongest lineup and enjoy the exciting battles of Teamfight Tactics S3! (Break the norm, use this lineup to become the champion of Teamfight Tactics S3!) Today, we will provide a detailed introduction to the exciting battles of Teamfight Tactics S3 (Break the norm, use this lineup to become the champion of Teamfight Tactics S3!).

First, let’s talk about the lineup strategy:

Lineup Combination: Kassadin + Aatrox + Yasuo/Ekko + Warwick + Draven + Talon

Trait Combination: 3 Dragon’s Claw + 2 Knight + 1 Vanguard + 1 Pilfer + 1 Bard + 2 Brawler + 1 Sorcerer + 3 Cloud + 3 Shapeshifter + 1 Mage + 2 Ghost Ship + 1 Void Burrower

Recommended Equipment: Kassadin’s Blue Sentinel (Tear of the Goddess) + Ghost Book (B.F. Sword) + Giant Slayer + Infinity Edge/Hextech Gunblade. Kassadin’s Blue Buff (Tear of the Goddess) and Ghost Book (Crit Gloves), these two items can be given to Aatrox. For Yasuo’s equipment, prioritize Last Whisper and Bloodthirster.

Analysis of the Lineup:

1. In the early game, we use a strong lineup as a transition.

2. Reach level 6 by 3-2.

3. Try to maintain a win streak in stage 2.

4. In stage 3, supplement the lineup and equipment with strong champions based on the situation.

5. In stage 4, supplement the lineup, equipment, and Hextech Enchantment according to the situation.

Above is the complete content of this issue of the Teamfight Tactics mobile game S3 guide. Hope you all find it helpful!

Break the norm, use this lineup to become the champion of Teamfight Tactics S3!

Break the norm, use this lineup to become the champion of Teamfight Tactics S3!

Today, we bring you a gambling dog lineup centered around Ornn. The core idea of this lineup is to use Olaf’s shield to protect Ornn from being burst down, and then use Nautilus and Aatrox to deal high damage, making it difficult for the enemy backline to effectively threaten Olaf. At the same time, use Dragon’s Claw, Thornmail, and other defensive items to protect the front line, so as to deal damage safely in the backline.

Although this lineup doesn’t have a true counter, if there is no counter, it is easy to lose in the late game.

First, let’s look at the advantages and disadvantages of this lineup. The advantage of this lineup is that it doesn’t require too many items. As long as there is enough mana, it can continuously output damage with skills, while relying on the control effect of the ultimate to prevent the opponent from counterattacking.

On the other hand, the disadvantage of this lineup is that it is vulnerable to assassin lineups. Assassin heroes will prioritize attacking the nearest opponent, so once they jump to Olaf, they are likely to take him out directly.

Finally, the biggest advantage of this lineup is that it forms quickly. If you get the Thornmail in the early game, you can directly weaken the opponent’s front line. At the same time, in the mid-late game, you can rely on Ornn’s control effect and Yone’s high damage output to deal explosive damage.

The weakness of this lineup is that it is vulnerable to Mage lineups. Although Ornn’s shield can protect him, he is also easy to be controlled. Therefore, if you encounter a Mage lineup, be sure to pay attention to positioning and avoid being controlled.

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