Dreaming of Sword and Immortal Mobile Game is Invincible in All Aspects! Master these skills and quickly level up to level 45! (Easy Breakthrough Leveling Bottleneck! Dreaming of Sword and Immortal Mobile Game Level 45 Fast Leveling Strategy Revealed!)

Dreaming of Sword and Immortal Mobile Game is invincible in all aspects! Master

Dreaming of Sword and Immortal Mobile Game is invincible in all aspects! Master these skills and quickly level up to level 45! (Easy Breakthrough Leveling Bottleneck! Dreaming of Sword and Immortal Mobile Game Level 45 Fast Leveling Strategy Revealed!) Dreaming of Sword and Immortal Mobile Game is invincible in all aspects! Master these skills and quickly level up to level 45! (Easy Breakthrough Leveling Bottleneck!) Dreaming of Sword and Immortal is a turn-based RPG mobile game with a nostalgic theme. In the game, players can choose their favorite profession to play. However, for many beginners, the early experience is not particularly abundant. Today, we will introduce some gameplay in Dreaming of Sword and Immortal to help you level up quickly in the early stages!

【1. Main Quests】The main quests in Dreaming of Sword and Immortal Mobile Game are one of the main sources of experience in the early stages. However, because the main quests gradually delve into the next chapter as the story develops, the rewards for the early main quests are relatively low and the difficulty is also high.

2. Sub Quests The main quests are the main source of experience in the early stages, but the rewards for sub quests are not very high, and they will be cut off after completion.

3. Daily ActivitiesDaily activities are an important source of experience in the early stages, but the difficulty of daily activities is very high. In addition to obtaining some rewards, you can also get a considerable amount of experience. Therefore, you can also obtain a lot of experience in the rewards of daily activities.

4. SectsSects are the simplest way to gain experience in the early stages, but since sect quests require players to reach level 40, they can only be opened at that level.

5. DungeonsDungeons are the most rewarding gameplay in terms of experience in the early stages, but because only the first 10 runs have experience rewards, the experience reward for the 10th run is relatively low.

6. Wilderness Auto-BattleAuto-battle is the main way to gain experience in the early stages, and because the rewards from wilderness auto-battle are very high, you must pay attention to observe your level before auto-battling. If it is lower than your maximum level, it is best to find a good place to auto-battle in order to maximize your benefits.

7. Bounty QuestsBounty quests are the highest source of experience in the early stages and the easiest to complete in the form of dungeons. The rewards for bounty quests are also very generous. Although you cannot directly obtain experience rewards, you can obtain some item rewards.

8. Rewards for Bounty QuestsBounty quests generally give equipment and item rewards, but there is also a certain chance to obtain equipment, items, and other items. Therefore, if you want to get higher rewards for bounty quests, you need to have higher-level bounty quest items.

Easy Breakthrough Leveling Bottleneck! Dreaming of Sword and Immortal Mobile Game Level 45 Fast Leveling Strategy Revealed!

In “Dreaming of Sword and Immortal” mobile game, leveling up is an important part of player’s strength. However, as the level increases, the game difficulty also increases. Today, I will bring you the strategy of fast leveling up to level 45! Let’s take a look together!

First, after entering the game, we will arrive at “North City of the Capital” and find NPC [Lu Xueqi]. Talk to her to start the fast growth of the character.

Next, we continue to follow the main quests until level 35. At this time, the main quests will be stuck, and we can only level up by doing sub quests and daily quests.

When the main quests are stuck, we can complete sect quests. Sect quests are the dungeons that give the most experience.

After completing sect quests, we can continue to do main quests and sect quests. After reaching level 40, we can do master-disciple quests. The master can do it 3 times a day.

After reaching level 50, continue to do sub quests and daily quests. Sub quests give a lot of experience. If you have time, you can go auto-battle and farm monsters. After reaching level 55, you can team up to fight elite monsters and continue with main quests and daily quests.

After reaching level 55, you can participate in the imperial examination, including provincial examination and preliminary examination. The provincial examination is held every Tuesday and Friday from 8 pm to 9 pm, and the preliminary examination is held from 10 pm to 11 pm every Wednesday and Saturday.

After level 25, you can continue to do sect quests. Sect quests give a lot of experience, but the rewards are also very generous. Therefore, after level 55, it is best to complete sect quests before doing other quests.

After reaching level 55, you can team up to fight various elite monsters in the wilderness. After forming a team, you can go auto-battle, and you can obtain equipment and other items from auto-battling. If you are lucky, you may even get divine beast fragments!

After completing all the main quests, sub quests, and sect quests, we can go to Ghost King, Black Dragon Catastrophe, Bounty Hunter, and other daily gameplay. These daily gameplay not only have rich experience rewards, but also many treasure chests to open. If you are unlucky, it may take more time.

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