King Glory Chicken Year Limited Edition, Unique Skin Cool Debut! (Celebrate the Year of the Chicken, King Glory Limited Skin Buying Guide!)

King Glory Chicken Year Limited Edition, Unique Skin Cool Debut! (Celebrate the

King Glory Chicken Year Limited Edition, Unique Skin Cool Debut! (Celebrate the Year of the Chicken, King Glory Limited Skin Buying Guide!) King Glory Chicken Year Limited Edition, Unique Skin Cool Debut! (Celebrate the Year of the Chicken, King Glory Limited Skin Buying Guide!) In the game King Glory, the limited skin event for the Year of the Chicken has recently started. During the event period, players can participate in the event to experience the skin in advance. The editor brings the details of the event to help everyone easily get the desired heroes or skins!

Event Time: After the update on January 16 – January 22, 23:59

During the event period, players can participate in the event to experience the skin in advance.

Event Rewards: Permanent Skin/Avatar Frame, 20 Rune Fragments, and other great gifts

1. Participation Method

(1) Summoners can experience the skin in advance through the event panel – limited-time activity page, King Camp APP, Xinyue Club APP;

(2) During the advance experience period, advance server users can log in to the game to receive the advance experience qualification (this gift pack can only be obtained once per account);

(3) Formal server users can go to the in-game shop – Special Offers section – My Exclusive Privileges to view and purchase;

(4) This event will be gradually opened in sequence, with each batch’s activity time from January 16 to January 28 (specific opening time can be seen in the official announcement), totaling 10 rounds;

2. Event Description

1) During the advance experience period, summoners can experience a skin or multiple gift packs in advance;

2) In this period, “Little Daji · Bull Demon – Love and Peace” event will launch three skins, namely Sun Ce – Journey to the West themed skin, Zhuang Zhou – Cloud Dream Builder, Taiyi Zhenren – Golden Ratio, Liu Shan – Genius Goalkeeper, and Xiao Qiao – Colorful Unicorn;

3) During the advance experience period, all heroes and skins can be directly purchased after the advance experience ends;

4) This event does not involve purchasing with vouchers or RMB, and each account can only grab a maximum of 5 skins and corresponding props per day;

5) This event only supports Android QQ users to participate, iOS QQ users cannot participate, please pay attention to the subsequent official website information.

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