Choose three-star heroes, enhance the aura method! (Super recommended! Choose three-star divine traits, explode in combat power!),

Choose three-star heroes, enhance the aura method! (Super recommended! Choose t

Choose three-star heroes, enhance the aura method! (Super recommended! Choose three-star divine traits, explode in combat power!) Many players may not be clear about this, so let me introduce the method of choosing three-star heroes and enhancing the aura. This is a limited-time welfare activity, so make sure to redeem it in time and don’t let it go to waste.

1. Top recommendation: Genji. Choose three 3-star heroes. If there are no 3-star heroes available, you can use Lillith and Athena as alternatives.

2. Second recommendation: Best. Choose one 4-star hero. Best is the SSR hero that is currently worth upgrading to 5 stars. If you don’t have any 3-star heroes, prioritize choosing Best because his passive ability is very powerful and his output is explosive.

3. Third recommendation: Prioritize adding ultimate value miracle to the first position, and then add attack power, critical rate, or defense power according to your own needs in the second position.

4. Then: Lillith, Shaojiang, Thor, Asmodeus, Mengzhang, Carelbach, Hydra.

5. Next: Tsukuyomi.

6. Next: Chaos.

7. Finally: Genji, Mokka.

Super recommended! Choose three-star divine traits, explode in combat power!

Super recommended! Choose three-star divine traits, explode in combat power! The mobile game “Magical Witch” is about to be launched. The popularity of this game is not inferior to other card RPG games. There are many heroes to choose from in this game, and players are most concerned about the five-star heroes they get. However, many players don’t know how to choose. Below, I will provide you with a detailed guide on this aspect, hoping to help you.

“Magical Witch” is Tencent’s first 3D real-time strategy battle mobile game. As China’s first 5V5 real-time MOBA battle mobile game, “Super recommended: Time Warrior” and “Extreme Racing” are expected to attract many experienced players. Today, let’s introduce the power of this “Trinity” lineup.

[Choose three-star divine traits]-Ares.

Apollo is one of the classic characters in many popular animations such as “Glorified Star”, “Holy Grail War”, and “Heavenly Battle”. The term “big brother” is also one of his representative works. “I am your boyfriend!” Apollo’s background story and skills are very interesting, especially his noble temperament makes people feel that he is very suitable as a gentle and reliable little brother. In the game, as a long-range attack output role, Arjuna has a very powerful group attack ability. “My people!” Although Arjuna is a single-target burst character, his attack power and health growth are relatively low.

[Choose three-star divine traits]-Isabella.

In the game, “Isabella” is a support divine trait. She has good recovery ability and control ability, and can be used as a support in battles, providing powerful assistance. And “I am your redemption.” Isabella’s skills not only have AoE and knockback effects, but also have a healing reduction buff, which further enhances her combat ability. In the game, “I am the ruler” (Avalon) is a card that is worth collecting. Her skill damage is very high. “I want to become the ace.” Isabella’s performance in the game is also very outstanding, making her the best choice for novice players.

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