Analysis of the New Gameplay of the Game “Tianyu: Holy Hall”: Revealing the Secrets of Skill Point Allocation (Guide to Attribute Allocation in the Holy Hall of the Game “Tianyu: Creating the Strongest Professional Skills”)

In the game \”Tianyu: Holy Hall,\” the new gameplay of the profession\’s skill poi

In the game “Tianyu: Holy Hall,” the new gameplay of the profession’s skill point allocation is analyzed, revealing the secrets of skill point allocation in the Holy Hall (a guide to attribute allocation in the Holy Hall of the game “Tianyu: Creating the Strongest Professional Skills”). Many players may not be very clear about this aspect, so let me introduce the analysis of the new gameplay of the profession’s skill point allocation in the Holy Hall of the game “Tianyu: Holy Hall.” Interested players can take a look.

The Holy Hall has a very strong output ability and plays the roles of tanking and controlling in a team. The Holy Hall possesses multiple control skills, and its output and control abilities are also outstanding. However, the Holy Hall has weak survivability and defense, so it needs to be paired with roles that can protect teammates. The Holy Hall requires support from teammates in dungeons and arenas, so it also needs a high amount of tanking.

Skill Recommendations:【Thunder】This skill provides a high amount of damage output for the Holy Hall and also grants it immunity to control effects. It can play a good limiting role when facing a single enemy.【Light of Justice】This skill is a control-type skill that can control the actions of enemies within a certain range. This control skill is the main source of damage for the Holy Hall, so it is recommended to prioritize maxing it out.【Fearless Charge】As a displacement skill for the Holy Hall, it can deal damage to targets in a straight line range and has a chance to knock back the enemy. Therefore, this skill is of great help to the Holy Hall.【Divine Suppression】This skill can deal damage to all targets in a frontal fan-shaped area and also inflicts a certain amount of stun, so it can be used to quickly clear small monsters when facing a group of enemies or bosses.The skill point allocation for the Holy Hall profession is relatively simple, and everyone can refer to the content above for their choices.

Guide to Attribute Allocation in the Holy Hall of the Game “Tianyu: Creating the Strongest Professional Skills”

In the game “Tianyu: Holy Hall,” the guide to attribute allocation in the Holy Hall is provided to create the strongest professional skills. Many players may not be very clear about this aspect, so let me introduce the guide to attribute allocation in the Holy Hall of the game “Tianyu: Creating the Strongest Professional Skills.” Interested players can take a look.Guide to Attribute Allocation in the Holy Hall: Creating the Strongest Professional Skills1. For attribute allocation in the Holy Hall, prioritize Constitution, followed by Strength and Endurance. Constitution increases the Holy Hall’s HP, Strength increases defense, Endurance increases physical defense, and Agility increases dodge and critical strike rate.2. If you are a casual player, then choose Intelligence because the Holy Hall’s role in the team is a tank, which requires withstanding more damage. Intelligence not only enhances the Holy Hall’s magic attack ability but also enhances its spell attack ability.3. The Holy Hall has two skills: Holy Light Blessing and Thunderous Strike. Thunderous Strike is a large area of effect (AOE) damage skill with a slowing effect. The Holy Hall’s role is a melee tank in the team, which is responsible for taking damage.4. The Holy Hall is not difficult to operate but requires good execution. Therefore, the Holy Hall is strong in both PVP and PVE. Players who enjoy playing warriors can choose this profession.That’s all for the guide we have provided. We hope it will improve your gaming journey. Thank you for watching!

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