Build an invincible Dragon Tribe lineup and win the Teamfight Tactics s5.5 field! (Unique strategy revealed! Teamfight Tactics s5.5 Dragon Tribe lineup is a one-shot kill!)

Build an invincible Dragon Tribe lineup and win the Teamfight Tactics s5.5 fiel

Build an invincible Dragon Tribe lineup and win the Teamfight Tactics s5.5 field! (Unique strategy revealed! Teamfight Tactics s5.5 Dragon Tribe lineup is a one-shot kill!) Today, the editor brings you the recommended lineup for the “Teamfight Tactics” s5.5 season. Let’s take a look together, friends who are interested.

[Lineup Analysis]

The Dragon Tribe is a very powerful synergy. The Dragon Tribe synergy not only increases its own spell power, but also deals damage to nearby enemies at the end of the battle phase and provides an attack speed bonus to allies. This allows the lineup to quickly deal high damage in a short time, and this lineup is also paired with a relatively large number of heroes.

The heroes of the Dragon Tribe are Ashe, Kennen, Karma, Yasuo, and Olaf. The synergy of these four heroes is Dragon, which is the core synergy of the entire team. The advantage of this synergy is that it allows all dragon units to gain additional attack speed bonuses, and when these heroes equip Dragon’s Tooth and Guinsoo’s Rageblade, they can start with an additional 50% attack speed buff.

Kennen can increase his attack power by 20%, and he also gains additional armor and magic resistance buffs. The disadvantage of this synergy is that it has no output ability, because Kennen himself is a squishy hero. If there are tank heroes present, Kennen will be easily killed.

[Position Analysis]

Place a Stoneplate in the front to absorb damage, and place the Dragon Tribe heroes in the back. The Dragon Tribe heroes have a long skill activation range and high attack power. However, in the late game, the number of Dragon Tribe heroes is very limited, so it is necessary to prioritize placing these damage-dealing heroes in the backline in order to kill them.

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Unique strategy revealed! Teamfight Tactics s5.5 Dragon Tribe lineup is a one-shot kill!

Teamfight Tactics s5.5 Dragon Tribe lineup one-shot kill strategy, I believe many friends are not very clear about this. Next, the editor will introduce the Teamfight Tactics s5.5 Dragon Tribe lineup one-shot kill strategy. Interested friends can come and learn.

First of all, let’s talk about the Dragon Egg, which is the core card of the Dragon Tribe. It has very high output potential, but it is a bit difficult to activate its skill if it is not well-equipped.

So, how important is the Dragon Tribe in the lineup? The synergy effects of the Dragon Tribe are as follows:

【Dragon】Heroes gain additional spell power.

【Mage】Heroes gain additional magic resistance.

【Divine】Heroes gain additional damage and life steal.

【Hunter】Heroes gain additional attack speed and attack range.

Attributes of the Dragon Egg:

The Dragon Tribe’s synergy feature is 【Dragon】(Dragon). Dragon heroes lose 50% of their maximum health after being killed in battle, but they will revive and regain health after revival.

Therefore, in the lineup, the Dragon Tribe lineup can be configured at will.

Lineup strategy

The composition idea of the lineup is actually very simple, that is, to ensure that the Dragon Egg has enough health to exert its power!

Methods to obtain the Dragon Egg:

There are only two ways to obtain the Dragon Egg. The first is by killing jungle monsters in the early game, and the second is by searching the wilderness in the late game. However, this method only applies to the early game, because in the mid-game, we need to constantly search for cards to level up the Dragon Egg, so that our heroes can become stronger.

In the late game, we need to include the Dragon King, the Dragon Lady, and Yasuo in our lineup, and when the number of our heroes reaches six units, we can field the entire lineup.

Above is the content that I shared today. I hope it will be helpful to everyone. For more related content, please follow and stay up to date and get more information anytime, anywhere.

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