Exclusive Reveal of the New March Skills for the Thief Star Mobile Game! (Exclusive decryption of the new skills for the Dark Moon Iron Cavalry in March!)

Exclusive Reveal of the New March Skills for the Thief Star Mobile Game! (Exclu

Exclusive Reveal of the New March Skills for the Thief Star Mobile Game! (Exclusive decryption of the new skills for the Dark Moon Iron Cavalry in March!) Exclusive Reveal of the New March Skills for the Thief Star Mobile Game! (Exclusive decryption of the new skills for the Dark Moon Iron Cavalry in March!) In “Thief Star”, the “Blade of the Night” and “Phantom Assassin” will undergo a major update in early March. The two main characters of this update are the Blade of the Night and Phantom Assassin. Let’s take a look with the editor!

Assassin: Dark Moon Iron Cavalry

The Assassin is positioned as a warrior and assassin. During the battle, with flexible body movements, it can dodge enemy attacks and quickly approach targets to launch assaults with high mobility. It can quickly defeat opponents through its powerful burst damage.

Skill interpretation:

[Sky Break] When released, it will damage single targets in a straight line in front and inflicts a bleeding effect. This skill is very practical in battle as it can interrupt any action of the boss, making it difficult for the boss to react in a battle.

[Invisibility] Creates a weak state that lasts for 10 seconds, during which the character cannot move or use regular attacks, but can enter stealth mode. In this state, the character can move freely and will not be targeted by monsters.

[Tracking Arrow Rain] Summons arrows to attack enemies in a fan-shaped area in front, dealing a large amount of damage and slowing them down. In the battle process, one must pay attention to their own position to avoid being trapped or controlled by enemy skills and unable to escape.

[Frenzy Continuous Slash] Waves a spear to continuously attack forward, causing damage to surrounding enemy targets and inflicting a floating effect. Finally, use a knife to slash the enemy in mid-air, causing massive damage.

Analysis: This is a very good output skill, but before using it, one needs to pay attention to their own position to avoid being counterattacked by the enemy. If interrupted, it is very likely to be directly killed by the boss’s skill!

That’s all for the exclusive reveal of the new March skills for the Thief Star Mobile Game! (Exclusive decryption of the new skills for the Dark Moon Iron Cavalry in March!)

Exclusive Decryption of the New March Skills for Dark Moon Iron Cavalry!

In March, the new skills for “Dark Moon Iron Cavalry” have been exposed! The editor brings you the brand new active skills for three professions in the game. Each skill has its own characteristics and power, and can play a significant role in the battle!

Assassin – Shadow Blade: Causes massive damage to all enemies in a fan-shaped area in front.

Berserker – War God Shield: Summons a shield to protect oneself.

Swift Swordsman – Flame Impact: Charges forward from the air, causing a large amount of damage.

Mage – Arcane Bombardment: Releases an arcane explosive bomb, knocking back all targets along the way and causing a certain amount of damage.

Assassin – Thunder Lightning Ball: Shoots a magic ball forward, causing a large amount of damage.

Mage – Frost Barrier: Creates an icy barrier around oneself, reducing the movement speed of enemies within the barrier.

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