Latest Tactics Revealed! The Refresh Interval of the First Dominator is Actually Linked to the Start Time! (Exclusive Decryption! Revealing the Refresh Interval of the First Dominator at the Start Time!)

Latest Tactics Revealed! The Refresh Interval of the First Dominator is Actually

Latest Tactics Revealed! The Refresh Interval of the First Dominator is Actually Linked to the Start Time! (Exclusive Decryption! Revealing the Refresh Interval of the First Dominator at the Start Time!) Latest Tactics Revealed! The Refresh Interval of the First Dominator is Actually Linked to the Start Time! (Exclusive Decryption!) Revealing the Refresh Interval of the First Dominator at the Start Time! (Effectively Countering Stealth and Jungle Strategies)

1. Game Rules

1. At the beginning, each side sends out 4 dragons to kill the enemy dominator, and each dragon can attack one enemy.

2. Each player can attack the dominator’s nests of 3 enemies at the same time, but there will only be 2 dominators.

2. Specific Gameplay

1. The dominator’s nests open at 8 PM every Wednesday and last for 30 minutes.

2. After the start, each dragon can only be attacked once, and each dominator will only have one opportunity to be attacked.

3. When a dragon is killed, the dominator will randomly appear anywhere on the map.

4. When all dragons are defeated, a new dragon will regenerate starting from the third one.

5. When all players die, a new dragon of the same level will regenerate.

6. When the dragon dies, it will disappear and all players will regenerate a new dragon of the same level (until the last wave of dominator refreshes).

7. When the dragon is killed, the dominator’s respawn will start from the last one of the last wave.

8. If the dragon’s number of deaths during the battle is less than or equal to 1, the dragon will revive in the next kill.

9. When the dragon is killed, all players will receive a treasure chest containing magic crystals and a certain amount of gold.

10. When a player defeats 3 dragons, they can win and receive an additional treasure chest reward after the battle!

3. Example Explanation

We can find that the dragon’s health is the same, and the dragon’s attack method is also the same, which is to attack the enemy and cause damage.

Therefore, we can find that as long as the dragon’s attack method is the same and the attack method is the same, damage can be caused!

We can know that the dragon’s attack method is the same as the monsters in World of Warcraft, but the attack method is the same.

Exclusive Decryption! Revealing the Refresh Interval of the First Dominator at the Start Time!

Legendary has been highly regarded since its launch! As a game with chess as its theme, Legendary’s unique gameplay naturally lies in its unique battle mode. In “Genesis Myth” and “Warcraft III”, “Diablo IV”, and even many classic hero characters, such as Bone Spirit and Swordmaster, are all familiar figures.

After the recent update, a new question has arisen at the start of Legendary: What is the refresh interval of the first dominator?

Let me answer these two questions:

1. What is the refresh interval of the first dominator?

Answer: The refresh interval of the first dominator is 10 minutes, that is, the first dominator refreshes every 8 minutes.

2. What is the refresh pattern of the first dominator?

Answer: The refresh cycle of the first dominator is 3 minutes, that is, the second dominator refreshes every 4 minutes.

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