In-depth reading reveals the hidden attributes of the new hero in King of Glory! (The revolutionary changes brought to the battlefield by the new hero, In-depth reading)

In-depth reading reveals the hidden attributes of the new hero in King of Glory

In-depth reading reveals the hidden attributes of the new hero in King of Glory! (The revolutionary changes brought to the battlefield by the new hero, In-depth reading) In-depth reading reveals the hidden attributes of the new hero in King of Glory!

In-depth reading discovers Zhuge Lianzhuo (Cv: Li Yuanfang), originally a defeated general under Ming Shiyin. He was later chosen and subdued by Gong Sunmuei under the name “Jade,” and appeared in the field as an assassin. He possesses a mysterious power called “Jade” constitution, through which he can use the power of jade to inflict additional damage with skills or regular attacks. He has strong team fight ability and diving ability, capable of instantly dealing high burst damage.

He can swiftly support the battlefield with his high mobility, swiftly counterattacking the enemy while wiping out opponents.

The above is the relevant information about the hidden attributes of Zhuge Liangzhuo, the new hero in King of Glory, collected by the editor.

The revolutionary changes brought to the battlefield by the new hero, In-depth reading!

King of Glory, this game has been favored and praised by many players. After all, in such a game, players can choose different characters to battle. Among them, there are also relationships of restraint between different characters. In this case, victory in the game is inevitable. In-depth reading is a very powerful assassin hero, in King of Glory, in-depth reading also has its special effects, after all, many heroes in the game also have different effects.

The skill effects of in-depth reading are quite good, however, for some specific heroes, the effect of this vibration is also irreplaceable, especially for some specific assassin heroes, in-depth reading also brings significant changes, especially for this type of hero, the use of vibrations can also have unexpected effects.

For example, one of in-depth reading’s skill effects is that it can trigger vibration effects after using skills. However, this effect can provide additional benefits to oneself or teammates, and at the same time, it can effectively increase in-depth reading’s attributes through these benefits.

Furthermore, this vibration can enhance oneself or teammates, and also bring more benefits to one’s teammates. For example, such a buff can enhance teammates.

Therefore, this new hero has received unanimous praise from fans. After all, the effects of new heroes in the game are also very good. Therefore, in the game, this new hero has been widely used and developed.

The above is the relevant strategy of the mobile game “King of Glory” brought to you by the editor today. Do you all understand it? I hope this strategy can help you. Please follow Mobile Game Network for more mobile game strategies!

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