Extraordinary Skills! LOL Mobile Blind Monk’s Ultimate Combo Revealed (Unparalleled Talent! Exclusive Guide to the Strongest Combos of League of Legends Mobile Blind Monk)

Extraordinary Skills! LOL Mobile Blind Monk\’s Ultimate Combo Revealed (Unparalle

Extraordinary Skills! LOL Mobile Blind Monk’s Ultimate Combo Revealed (Unparalleled Talent! Exclusive Guide to the Strongest Combos of League of Legends Mobile Blind Monk) Extraordinary Skills! LOL Mobile Blind Monk’s Ultimate Combo Revealed (Unparalleled Talent! Exclusive Guide to the Strongest Combos of League of Legends Mobile Blind Monk)! I believe many friends are not very clear about this, so let me introduce to you the extraordinary skills! LOL Mobile Blind Monk’s Ultimate Combo Revealed (Unparalleled Talent! Exclusive Guide to the Strongest Combos of League of Legends Mobile Blind Monk, teaching you how to be a better player).

[Basic Strategy]

First, we need to clarify the skill release order of the Blind Monk, because the Blind Monk is a warrior hero without skill restrictions, so we can combine basic attacks and the passive effect. The shield bonus from the passive effect greatly enhances the Blind Monk’s survivability.

[Combat Tactics]

At the beginning of the game, we should try to get the red buff, because the red buff is crucial for the Blind Monk in the early game. If we get the buff, we can consider directly pushing the tower. If we cannot get the buff, we need to obtain it through minions or monsters. If we obtain the blue buff in the jungle, we can consider directly ganking the enemy’s ADC in the bottom lane. Since the Blind Monk’s passive can stack, we can use this passive to quickly stack up to 3 layers.

When we reach level 2, we can consider invading the enemy jungler or top laner. The armor and magic resist bonus provided by the jungle knife makes it easier for the Blind Monk to gain an advantage. If the enemy jungler comes to gank, we can choose to use our second skill for dealing damage and then follow up with basic attacks to secure kills. If we have the advantage, we can also choose to cooperate with the jungler for a gank and potentially secure kills in just over a minute. If we are at a disadvantage, we can still counter the enemy using our strong dueling abilities.

When we reach level 4, we can start targeting enemies with mobility and crowd control skills. If the enemies do not have these mobility skills, we can use our own mobility to outmaneuver them. If the enemy has a lot of crowd control skills, we can directly use our ultimate to interrupt their control. However, it is important to note that if we catch someone, we must ensure our own health is safe. If our health is too low, we need to use our skills to escape.

Above is the detailed guide to the Blind Monk’s ultimate combo in “LOL Mobile”.

Unparalleled Talent! Exclusive Guide to the Strongest Combos of League of Legends Mobile Blind Monk

League of Legends Mobile is a very popular MOBA game among players, and the most exciting part is the selection of the champion Blind Monk. So, how do we develop him into a powerful jungler in the game? Today, I will introduce the character Blind Monk to everyone and hopefully it will be helpful to you.

Passive: Flurry

Skill 1: Q – Resonating Strike

The Blind Monk swings his staff forward, dealing physical damage and knocking up the first enemy hit. The first enemy hit takes additional 30% damage. If the target is hit again within 2 seconds, the cooldown of this skill is refunded by 80%.

Skill 2: W – Iron Will

The Blind Monk ignites all surrounding enemies, causing continuous magic damage and slowing their movement speed. If the enemies are hit multiple times within 2 seconds, they take an additional 20% damage.

Skill 3: E – Safeguard

The Blind Monk summons a staff to smash the ground, dealing physical damage and stunning for 1 second. If the target has the lowest health within 3 seconds, it takes an additional 40% damage.

Skill 4: R – Dragon’s Rage

The Blind Monk releases a lightning chain in a specific direction, dealing magic damage and slowing enemies hit. If the target has the lowest health within 3 seconds, it takes additional damage.

Above is the basic combo guide for the champion Blind Monk in “League of Legends” mobile game. Hopefully, it will help friends who like this champion become more familiar with his combat skills.

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