Unique Money-Making Strategies for the Glory Edition of Tianlongbabu! (Easy way to earn RMB with Tianlongbabu’s gold coins cheats!)

The Glory Edition of Tianlongbabu has unique money-making strategies that I am g

The Glory Edition of Tianlongbabu has unique money-making strategies that I am going to share with you today. Interested friends, let’s take a look together.

[Methods to Obtain Gold Coins]

1. Purchase silver: This is the main source of money in the game and the simplest and fastest method. It can be completed daily.

2. Instances: Participate once daily and earn silver.

3. Escort missions for the guild: You can participate five times a day and earn transport fees while escorting.

4. Guild defense battles: Each participation can earn 100,000 copper coins, but can only receive 10,000.

5. Guild cultivation: Can participate once daily and earn 200,000 copper coins. Can be participated in daily.

6. Guild bandits: Can earn 200,000 copper coin rewards daily. Can be participated in daily.

7. Guild drinking game: Can earn 500,000 copper coins weekly. Can receive 1,000,000 copper coin rewards on Wednesday and Saturday.

8. Instance quests: Can be completed twice daily and earn 100,000 copper coin rewards.

9. Activity quests: Can participate three times daily and earn 100,000 copper coin rewards.

10. Activity quests: Can participate once daily and earn 250,000 copper coin rewards.

11. Shop: Can directly purchase copper coins using ingots, with a price of 100 ingots per coin.

12. Trading post: Can use ingots to purchase precious animal skill books, with a price of 1 bound ingot and 100,000 copper coins per book, or 10 bound ingots and 1 bound ingot per book.

13. Activities: Can participate once daily and earn 150,000 copper coin rewards. Can be participated in daily.

Above are the unique money-making strategies for the Glory Edition of Tianlongbabu. If you want to quickly earn more wealth, take a look at this revealing money-making guide.

Easy Way to Earn RMB with Tianlongbabu’s Gold Coins Cheats!

In the mobile game Tianlongbabu, gold coins have various uses. They can be used to purchase various precious animal skill books, pet skill books, and to create equipment and mounts. However, there are not many ways to obtain gold coins in the game. How can you earn money quickly? Below, I have summarized some gold coin money-making cheats for you!


There are many ways to obtain gold bars. You can purchase various materials and items in the trading post, such as herbs needed for life gathering, which can be obtained by planting or killing monsters in the wild. In the auction house, if players want to obtain a large amount of gold, they can use gold bars for exchange or directly purchase items sold by other players. However, it is important to note that the price of gold bars in the auction house does not fluctuate constantly.

[Bound Ingots]

In Tianlongbabu, gold coins are bound. Therefore, if players want to obtain gold coins, besides recharging, they can also purchase items sold by other players in the trading market, such as rare equipment and some items needed for enhancement and forging. These can all be obtained through trading in the market.

[Copper Coins]

Copper coins have significant uses. They can be used to purchase special items in the trading post, such as forging diagrams, equipment forging runes, and rare item forging runes. Additionally, copper coins can be exchanged for silver in the silver shop.

Above are the money-making strategies I am sharing with you today for earning gold coins. Wish you all a pleasant gaming experience!

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