The strongest binding technique, how can the mobile generals make you invincible! (Fantasy Westward Journey Mobile Generals Binding Strategy, making you a true battlefield commander!)

The strongest binding technique, how can the mobile generals make you invincibl

The strongest binding technique, how can the mobile generals make you invincible! (Fantasy Westward Journey Mobile Generals Binding Strategy, making you a true battlefield commander!) In the battlefields of “Fantasy Westward Journey” mobile game, the use of generals is one of the most important gameplay. Players can bind their own achievements with the mobile generals, so that they can directly achieve victory against opponents with higher power. So how can the “Strongest Fantasy Westward Journey” mobile generals make you unbeatable? Let me introduce it to you!

First, enter “Fantasy Westward Journey” and select the “Legion” interface, then click on “Achievements”. It will automatically redirect to a page where you can select one of the system settings. Click on “Generals Management” to enter the achievements page, and then click on “Bind Achievements”.

Finally, you will enter the achievements page, where you can bind the generals in the “Generals Management” section. This will allow you to rank higher in battles!

Finally, everyone should pay attention. To bind the generals, you need to use your mobile phone and your phone’s level must reach level 50 to participate.

Fantasy Westward Journey Mobile Generals Binding Strategy, making you a true battlefield commander!

“Fantasy Westward Journey Mobile” Generals Binding Strategy

If you want to become a true battlefield commander in the game, you must bind your own generals, and the rules and rewards for binding the generals are also very complex. Below, let me share with you the specific strategy for binding generals!

In the mobile game, there are several ways to obtain generals:

1. Players can earn points by participating in activities.

2. Killing enemy players can earn points.

3. Players who participate in battlefield gameplay and win will randomly earn points.

4. Players who participate in cross-server battlefield activities will earn more rewards if they win.

5. Completing missions can earn personal points.

In the game, click on the “Legion” button on the right side of the activity interface to enter the Legion system page, and click on “Generals” to view personal achievements.

Click on the “Exchange” icon in the lower right corner of the “Generals” interface to use battlefield points to exchange various items.

Battlefield points are the spoils of war that players can obtain when participating in activities, so be sure to participate in activities to accumulate enough battlefield points!

In the military situation interface in the game, you can see the current military situation.

During the military situation, players can give likes, surrender, and perform other operations on members of their own camp or the enemy team. After the battle ends, they can receive certain personal point rewards.

In the battlefield, players can also participate in cross-server battlefield activities. When there are multiple players in one team, they can receive an additional personal point reward.

The rewards in cross-server battlefield are based on the outcome of the players on both sides in the battlefield, and the camp with the most personal points in the end wins.

So binding the generals is very simple!

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