Practical guide to easily obtain rewards for the Legend World Mobile King City Decree (Unlocking Secrets! Quick tips to complete the Legend World Mobile King City Decree mission)

Practical guide to easily obtain rewards for the Legend World Mobile King City

Practical guide to easily obtain rewards for the Legend World Mobile King City Decree (Unlocking Secrets! Quick tips to complete the Legend World Mobile King City Decree mission) Practical guide to easily obtain rewards for the Legend World Mobile King City Decree (Unlocking Secrets!) Quick tips to complete the Legend World Mobile King City Decree mission! I believe many friends are not familiar with this area, so let me introduce an easy guide to obtaining rewards for the Legend World Mobile King City Decree (Unlocking Secrets!) and quickly completing the Legend World Mobile King City Minister Decree mission! Interested friends can come and find out.

Practical guide to easily obtain rewards for the Legend World Mobile King City Seal Decree (Unlocking Secrets!)

1. Daily mission

Task duration: All day.

Task rewards: Exp Pills x5, Bound Ingots x200

2. Guild mission

Guild missions can be accepted up to 20 times per day. Completing guild missions can earn guild funds and Alliance Contribution! Guild missions refresh once a day.

Requirements: Completing guild missions can earn a large number of rewards such as faction reputation and coins. There is also a chance to obtain rare purple skill books!

3. Clan mission

Clan missions can be accepted up to 10 times per day. Completing clan missions can earn clan contributions and activity points.

4. Clan donations

Players can spend clan contributions or activity points to exchange items in the clan store. The clan store can exchange rare items and have a chance to drop high-quality equipment.

Unlocking Secrets! Quick tips to complete the Legend World Mobile King City Decree mission

In “Legend World” mobile game, the King City Decree mission is a very interesting gameplay. Players can receive rewards by completing tasks. However, the King City Decree mission requires completing a certain number of tasks to obtain rewards. Therefore, players need to understand the gameplay of the King City Decree mission in order to complete it. Below, I will bring you a guide to the King City Decree mission, hoping to be helpful!

1. How to complete the King City Decree mission

In Legend World, if you want to quickly complete the King City Decree mission, you need to know what rewards the mission offers. The rewards of the King City Decree mission are mainly divided into two parts. The first part is the King City Decree. This mission is mainly based on the player’s completion of the King City Decree mission. Players can obtain relevant item rewards from the King City Decree mission. In addition, players can also earn a large amount of experience points and equipment enhancement materials by completing the King City Decree mission. Therefore, if players want to quickly complete the King City Decree mission, they must remember to do the King City Decree mission every day!

2. Techniques for completing the King City Decree mission

After reaching level 50 in the game, players can accept the King City Proclamation mission. The location to accept the King City Proclamation is in the middle of Wolong City on the map, so players must pay attention to the surroundings when doing the King City Decree mission!

After completing the King City Decree mission, players not only can receive a large number of mission rewards, but also earn a lot of experience. Therefore, the King City Decree mission is still a very worthwhile place to complete missions, after all, the King City Decree mission rewards a lot of items

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