
  • Understanding the Rise of NFT Sales on the Ethereum Chain

    On April 1st, according to the latest data from Cryptoslam, the sales of NFT on the Ethereum chain in March reached about 541971085.63 dollars, with 2171751 transactions on the cha

  • NFT Sales on Polygon Chain Reach Record High in March

    According to reports, according to the latest data from Cryptoslam, the sales of NFT on the Polygon chain reached approximately $36180316.42 in March, setting the highest trading r

  • CryptoSlam: At least $577 million of NFT sales related to Blur are cleaning transactions

    It is reported that CryptoSlam has detected at least $577 million worth of shuffle transactions related to emerging market, because the platform began airdropping its local tokens to users on Valentine’s Day on February 14. According to Scott Hawkins, the data engineer of CryptoSlam, the NFT data tracking agency, the detected cleaning transactions showed suspicious behaviors, such as resale of NFT at a price close to the initial transaction of assets in a short time. This behavior shows that some Blur users have been using different wallets to sell…
