Decentralized Exchange
What is MinerCoin (Coin Mining)?
What is MinerCoin? According to official sources, what is MinerCoin? In the blo
What is Uniswap Exchange (what country is Uniswap Exchange from)?
Uniswap Exchange is a decentralized exchange. It allows users to transfer asset
What coins are on Uniswap (What exchange is Uniswap)?
What coins are on Uniswap? What kind of coin is UNISWAP?Uniswap is a token that
When will sushiswap be launched? (sushiswap official website)
When will sushiswap be launched? When will sushiswap be launched?What is Sushis
What is used for mining SC (SC mining machine)?
What is used for mining SC? In simple terms, it is achieved through smart contr
What is open.eth token?
open.eth token is a decentralized exchange on the Ethereum network, according t
Why can NXT rise sharply in the future?
Why can NXT rise sharply in the future? Find out here.NXT is a decentralized ex
What trading platform is Liqui (What exchange is Liffe)?
Liqui is a decentralized exchange (DEX) that aims to create a digital asset eco
What is ETC virtual currency?
What kind of currency is ETC virtual currency? According to official news, the E
What kind of currency is dfcoin (Is dfcoin legitimate?)
What kind of currency is dfcoin? According to cryptodaily news, dfcoin is a dece
What Coins Does APW3 Mine? (How Long Does it Take to Mine Aave Coin?)
What coins does APW3 mine? APW3 is a distributed cloud storage system based on
What is UniswapV2 Platform (UniswapV3)?
What is the UniswapV2 platform? According to official sources, UniswapV2 is a d
Aave Community Votes to Abandon V2 AMM Market Proposal with Overwhelming Support
On April 29th, the snapshot voting page showed that the voting on the Aave community\’s ARFC proposal to \”abandon the Aave V2 AMM market\” had ended and was approved with 99.99% supp
Coinbase Assets Announces Listing of Osmosis (OSMO) as a COVID-19 Listing on their Roadmap
According to reports, Coinbase Assets tweeted that Osmosis (OSMO) will be included in the roadmap for the listing of COVID-19 today.
Coinbase has included Osmosis (OSMO) in the roa -
Modular DEX infrastructure Native completed $2 million seed round financing
On April 27, it was reported that Modular DEX Infrastructure Native had completed a seed round financing of $2 million, led by Nomad Capital, and the funds raised would be used for
Modular DEX infrastructure Native completed $2 million seed round financing
On April 27, it was reported that Modular DEX Infrastructure Native had completed a seed round financing of $2 million, led by Nomad Capital, and the funds raised would be used for
Decentralized Exchange (DEX) Vertex Launches Arbitrum on Main Network
According to reports, Decentralized Exchange (DEX) Vertex has announced the launch of Arbitrum on its main network. Vertex has been running on a testing network and combines an off
SushiSwap Launches RouteProcessor2 Vulnerability Compensation Portal
On April 26th, it was reported that SushiSwap has launched the RouteProcessor2 vulnerability compensation portal. Users who can receive compensation through this portal are those w
Overview of SushiSwap’s Revitalization Efforts under CEO Jared Grey
On April 26th, Sushi Swap CEO Jared Grey tweeted an overview of the progress and future plans for revitalizing the project. Grey stated that we have established additional Token ec
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On April 26th, zkSync Ecological DEX Merlin announced that it is analyzing protocol vulnerabilities and reminding users to revoke Wallet\’s access and signature permissions on their