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	<title>POC Coin &#8211; GameVault96</title>
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	<description>Online Gaming,Virtual Currency Games,Crypto Games,Multiplayer Games,Gaming Community</description>
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		<title>What is the difference between Bitcoin and POC Coin (Is Bitcoin pro a scam)?</title>
				<pubDate>Thu, 17 Aug 2023 17:33:32 +0000</pubDate>
				<category><![CDATA[hot spot]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[POC Coin]]></category>

		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.96coin.com/61883.html</guid>
				<description><![CDATA[What is the difference between Bitcoin and POC Coin? According to BTC.com data, ]]></description>
								<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img src="https://www.96coin.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/enpic-1496.jpg" alt="What is the difference between Bitcoin and POC Coin (Is Bitcoin pro a scam)?"></p>
<p><p>What is the <span class="wpcom_tag_link"><a href="https://www.96coin.com/tag/difference" title="difference" target="_blank">difference</a></span> between <span class="wpcom_tag_link"><a href="https://www.96coin.com/tag/bitcoin" title="Bitcoin" target="_blank">Bitcoin</a></span> and <span class="wpcom_tag_link"><a href="https://www.96coin.com/tag/poc-coin" title="POC Coin" target="_blank">POC Coin</a></span>? According to BTC.com data, on January 2, 2018, USDT worth about $500 million was traded on Bitfinex. In July 2019, the price of Bitcoin exceeded $67,000, reaching a historical high (almost $20,000). However, due to a sharp drop in price, investors sold off tokens, causing market fluctuations. Currently, Bitcoin is priced at around $24,500, while Ethereum has shown the opposite situation, with its growth rate faster than Bitcoin&#8217;s.</p>
<p><h2>Is Bitcoin pro a scam?</h2><p><p>Is Bitcoin pro a scam? According to the latest data from Coinmarketcap, there are currently over 36,000 cryptocurrency addresses worldwide.</p>
<p><p>However, Bitcoin Pro is not the only product that offers services and products without official approval. According to coindesk reports, David Chaum, co-founder and CEO of BitPRO, claimed, &#8220;We are working with an anonymous company to acquire customer funds.&#8221; The platform has been controversial since its establishment, and they have denied this proposal. In addition, some users questioned whether the company is a form of fraud, or if it is an unregistered security issuance or other ICO investment tool. However, these individuals pointed out that &#8220;although Bitcoin Pro has been proven to be a scam, its team will continue to operate.&#8221;</p>