
  • What is testnet?

    Testnet is an infrastructure of a distributed network, according to official sou

  • #AlgoKit: The Ultimate toolkit for Web3 Developers on Algorand Blockchain

    It is reported that the Algorand Foundation, the ecological parent company of Algorand (ALGO), has announced the launch of the developer tool kit AlgoKit to build Web3 applications

  • Core developer of Ethereum: Goerli test network will eventually be closed in the future

    According to reports, Tim Beiko, the core developer of Ethereum, tweeted: “The Goerli test network will eventually be closed; in the future, the test network including Sepolia can cast more ETHs; I hope that more addresses can be included in the Genesis file later.” Interpretation of this information: Tim Beiko, the core developer of Ethereum, recently announced on Twitter that the Goerli test network will be eventually closed in the near future. The Goerli test network is one of the five testnets that the Ethereum network has, which is running…
